Time.com released 50 best website of 2009. Flickr.com is the first on their list while Google and Youtube ranked 11 & 12. Is your favorite website included in the 50 best websites of 2009? Find out! User friendly and more fun are the criteria of time.com on selecting best website for 2009. Support your favorite website by leaving your comments!

5 sites you may not know: omgpop.com, yelp.com, foratv.com, popurls.com and boingboing

Full List
1. Flickr
2. California Coastline
3. Delicious
4. Metafilter
5. popurls
6. Twitter
7. Skype
8. Boing Boing
9. Academic Earth
10. OpenTable
11. Google
12. YouTube
13. Wolfram|Alpha
14. Hulu
15. Vimeo
16. Fora TV
17. Craiglook
18. Shop Goodwill
19. Amazon
20. Kayak
21. Netflix
22. Etsy
23. PropertyShark.com
24. Redfin
25. Wikipedia
26. Internet Archive
27. Kiva
28. ConsumerSearch
29. Metacritic
30. Pollster
31. Facebook
32. Pandora and Last.fm
33. Musicovery
34. Spotify
35. Supercook
36. Yelp
37. Visuwords
38. CouchSurfing
39. BabyNameWizard.com's NameVoyager
40. Mint
41. TripIt
42. Aardvark
43. drop.io
44. Issuu
45. Photosynth
47. WorldWideTelescope
48. Fonolo
49. Get High Now
50. Know Your Meme
Source: time.com

5 sites you need to know: supercook.com, academic.com, shopgoodwill.com, tripit.com and babynamewizard.com

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